Location: 2700 Lakeshore Rd W, Mississauga, ON
Type: Site Redevelopment, Heritage, Sustainable Renovation
Total Area (GFA): 6,609 sq.ft. (620m2)
This City of Mississauga project involved the restoration of the facades of the two buildings, restoration of the landscape, provision of a new seasonal tent structure and rehabilitation of the interiors. A deep energy retrofit was completed allowing the building to meet LEED Silver standards.
The 20th century buildings of the Harding Waterfront Estate are a rare example of Modern Classicism, designed by Marani Lawson and Morris, a significant Canadian Architectural firm. Unlike other waterfront estate lots it was not purchased for development, rather the City of Mississauga purchased the property to prevent that from happening. The City of Mississauga chose to adapt and evolve a plan that would not only allow the site to provide a use for residents for years to come, but also become a financially self-sustaining entity.
June 14, 2018
Community Infrastructure, Heritage